Hospitals Contribution Fund (HCF) Dental Centre sought an experienced builder to undertake a fitout for 12 surgery rooms, two OPG rooms, one Laboratory and one CSSU room for their new Dental Surgery at 410 Collins St, located in central Melbourne.
Located at 410 Collins St, the works undertaken were over three levels and covering 650m2, which included twelve Surgery Rooms, two Orthopantomogram (OPG) Rooms, a Laboratory, a Central Sterile Supply Unit (CSSU) Room and full staff amenities. We installed illuminated signage to the external facade, which required a footpath closure permit from the City of Melbourne to erect scaffolding for access.
A prototype surgery room was completed at the beginning of the project, which was signed off by all stakeholders before any other works began. This enabled the end-user to experience the room and created an opportunity for modifications, saving time and costs. It allowed a standard of quality to be set moving forward and resolved any potential services co-ordination issues.