INTREC were engaged by Vicinity Centres to deliver a base build extension of the Keilor Central Shopping Centre. This included the removal and installation of precast panels and carpark civil works, as well as the installation of new sprinkler and fire hydrant.
Works included the installation of a concrete slab to extend the Keilor Shopping Centre, removal of the existing PC panels on the rear wall and installation of new PC panels, and installation of new roof framing, roof sheeting and roof plumbing. Civil works also took place within the carpark. This included new asphalt, footpath, storm-water works, landscaping and irrigation.
Successful coordination with ALDI, allowed for the smooth installation of internal hoarding, while sealing off the Building before the precast panels were removed. ALDI was able to maintain regular trading hours, and our works did not cause any disruption to the staff or customers. INTREC provided stringent traffic management coordination with Vicinity Centres to direct pedestrians to a safe pathway around construction works.