News & Updates

INTREC actively uses Supply Nation’s Member Opportunity Board

  INTREC’s active involvement with Supply Nation‘s Member Opportunity Board (MOB) enhances our commitment to diversity within the workforce and procurement processes.  At INTREC, we are committed to supplier diversity and ensuring we are delivering practices that create and extend opportunities to Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander owned businesses and enterprises. This has been implemented through our active use of

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International Women’s Day

At INTREC, we are committed to equal opportunities, work-place diversity and celebrating our employee’s achievements. This year, the Global International Women’s day 2021 theme, Choose to Challenge is about challenging and calling out gender bias, inequality and the unconscious bias formed through stereotypes. To encourage a gender equal world, we must celebrate women’s achievements, raise awareness against bias, take action

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Hymba Yumba and INTREC: Partnering Together

In 2019 INTREC embarked on a partnership with Hymba Yumba, an independent, co-educational school based in Springfield, Queensland with a strong focus on excellence in the Arts and Science. Speaking the Bidjara Language, Hymba Yumba is a Listening and Learning Place; an innovative education and community-building initiative that prides itself in offering jarjums a Prep-Year 12 education grounded in Aboriginal

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A Note From Clint – December 2020

A Note From Clint – December 2020 2020: The Year of COVID-19 Attempting to put words to 2020 is like the year itself, where did it start, how did it unfold and how will it finish? 2020 will go down in history as the most disruptive year since the end of World War II and for many, will be a

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What will the Workplace look like post COVID-19?

What will the Workplace look like post COVID-19? INTREC Pre Construction Manager David Alessi shares his thoughts.    This is the question that every Workplace expert is attempting to answer. Recognised Australian Workplace design experts, Amanda Stanaway of Woods Bagot and Angela Ferguson of Futurespace have recently posted excellent articles on LinkedIn. Amanda Stanaway’s article, “Where do we work from

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A Note from Clint – August 2020

A Note From Clint – August 2020 Where to from here?  Whilst this is a very turbulent time, as a business owner I am very stimulated by the ever-changing environment and the opportunity that this presents. Media announcements, Government policy and world events have certainly dominated the headlines but for us it is all about focusing on what’s in front

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INTREC becomes Supply Nation Member

  INTREC’s membership of Supply Nation reinforces our commitment to diversity both within our workforce and procurement processes. Supply Nation Chief Executive Officer, Ms Laura Berry, said, “We are delighted to welcome INTREC into the Supply Nation community and look forward to working with them to develop their supplier diversity footprint. The measure of our collective success will be in

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Cultural Awareness Training

INTREC is committed to workplace diversity, incorporating Indigenous participation as a core function in the company’s project management processes, and maintaining Aboriginal cultural awareness in the workplace. Our team recently heard from Paul Sinclair from Mirri Mirri about the importance of education around the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures.  Mirri Mirri strive to better connect all Australians with our

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Safety is Everyone’s Business

At INTREC safety is everyone’s business, and safety does not only apply to being safe on a construction site but rather encompasses all aspects of safety, health, and wellbeing. We place a high level of importance on the wellbeing of our team and offer many resources, online learning platforms, and support networks surrounding our 4 Pillars of Wellbeing: Nutrition/Hydration, Exercise,

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A Note From Clint – March 2020

A Note From Clint – March 2020 We must be dynamic and flexible in these times ….. The Australian Construction industry is facing challenging circumstances as COVID-19 continues to disrupt business activity, not only on current projects, but more importantly on upcoming projects. This in turn provokes negative sentiment, and obviously the cycle continues spreading across other sectors and ultimately

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