International Women’s Day

At INTREC, we are committed to equal opportunities, work-place diversity and celebrating our employee’s achievements.

This year, the Global International Women’s day 2021 theme, Choose to Challenge is about challenging and calling out gender bias, inequality and the unconscious bias formed through stereotypes. To encourage a gender equal world, we must celebrate women’s achievements, raise awareness against bias, take action against inequality, and most importantly, support each other and generate conversations.

Our Chief Operations Manager Maree Walter shares what #IWD means to her:
“To me, IWD is celebrating the women who have made a difference in our lives and in the world. I feel fortunate in my role at INTREC to have a seat at the table; this enables me to be heard and to make a difference.

Over the years, I have had many mentors in my life, not only my Mum but my Dad, brothers, managers and colleagues. I think we should all take a moment to celebrate the opportunities we now have in front of us which has resulted from the struggle and sacrifice many others have made in the past. I’m excited that my daughters have come into a world full of opportunity and they can be whoever they want to be.”